
Cheap Lego RPG games

Image : http://www.flickr.com

My gaming group, which has just launched a new campaign Dungeon Divas with a new game system and new props - legos. We had to Dungeons and Dragons for over two years and we finished the adventure. was, like many other gaming groups, the risk that we would have resolved after the adventure ends. Fortunately for us, our strong friendship and we agreed to continue playing and decide what to play next.

Our type of token in the group proposes that the Serenity RPG, which based onFirefly Serenity movie and TV series. We are all fans and decided to try a new game system, a new universe and a new prop. If you are not familiar with the movie or television show is a sci-fi show that is essentially a Western in space. Humans have colonized space, and some planets are more civilized than others. In this universe weapons, horses and lasers.

In a world that mixed old and new, seemed legos would be the perfect props for ourCharacter pieces. In the role players have a representation of his character (which is usually a mini) that use the pad on the battlefield, to show where in the room or on the road - regardless of setting. With lego, mini and we have what it takes too many interesting things, from wagon trains to the spacecraft, laser guns from Lasso.

There are several good Lego set that can be used in the game, what the setting. If you are playing D & DLego Castle is so perfect for your adventure. Knight in shining swords, shields and evil orcs abundance Lego castle. If you are a modern RPG, you agent James Bond, the type of atmosphere with lots of cool gadgets and equipment for the good and evil. City staff combines with Legos, and you have a modern metropolis for your adventure! Lego Star Wars needs no introduction in September, but they were the obvious choice for those futuristic spaceIndiana Jones and his army would play Legos. Ideal for the whole world war two settings.

Serenity for our game, we have some of the blended-set together. And 'one of the coolest things in the game universe is the combination of old and new technologies. A character can be tied on the bridge of a spaceship with a Six-Shooter on her side. I look forward to new adventures in this new universe. There are no limits, only our imagination!

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